Calvert County Sheriff's Office Links

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


  On December 12, 2016 at approximately 9:50 p.m. units from the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Crime Suppression team were patrolling in Prince Frederick, Calvert County, MD.  Dfc. Trigg was parked in the lot of the 7-11 located at 3675 Hallowing Point Road Prince Frederick, MD when he observed a gold Buick bearing MD tag A275898 approach and pass the stop sign and white stop line without stopping while leaving the store property.  The Buick took the intersection at a 45 degree angle to normal lane travel.
  Dfc. Trigg got behind the Buick on MD 231 going east bound on Hallowing Point Road (MD 231) in his marked patrol vehicle and activated his emergency lights and siren. The Buick continued accelerating to 50 mph and was weaving within its lane. Dep. Mohler pulled in behind DFC. Trigg and also activated his emergency lights and siren in his marked patrol vehicle.   The Buick made no attempt to stop and continued to display dangerous driving behavior.
  Dep. Mohler notified the Calvert Control Center of the vehicle pursuit. The Buick crossed the centerline at German Chapel Road and drove in the opposite lane of traffic for approximately 150 feet. The Buick drove the wrong direction in the west bound left turn lane for German Chapel Road then returned to the east bound travel lane. At JW Williams Road, the Buick moved into the left turn lane without signaling, slowed, however did not turn but continued east on MD 231 while accelerating.
  Near MD 231 and Mason Road Dep. Mohler advised via the police radio that the speed was 65 mph. At Prince Frederick BLVD, the Buick entered the left turn lane for Prince Frederick BLVD but did not turn and continued east. The Buick then drove in the center portion of the road used for making turns. The traffic signal at MD 231 and MD 2/4 was red for east bound traffic. There were cars stopped at the intersection. There were also cars approaching and driving through the intersection since north and south bound traffic had a green light. The Buick drove through the red signal without stopping at approximately fifteen MPH. The Buick was in the number three lane which is intended to go straight across MD 2/4 only. The Buick made a left turn from the wrong lane and continued north onto MD 2/4.

  The vehicle continued to travel north along MD 2/4 at a high rate of speed showing wanton and willful disregard for the safety of other motorists.  Deputies planned to deploy stop sticks in an attempt to flatten the tires on the Buick. As the Buick approached DFC Fox’s location just south of the MD 2/4 split it hit the stop sticks.  Two of the Buick’s tires were damaged, however, the Buick continued driving and attempts were made to perform the Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) on the vehicle but were unsuccessful as the driver continuously swerved at emergency vehicles that approached it.
  Dep. Mohler was directly behind DFC Denton and said as DFC Denton moved beside the Buick it would swerve into DFC Denton’s lane. Dep. Mohler said this caused DFC Denton to have to take evasive action to avoid being struck and presumably seriously injured. Dep Mohler advised DFC Denton had to brake heavily to avoid being struck by the Buick.
  Near Lord Baltimore Drive, DFC Migliaccio joined the pursuit by getting ahead of the Buick as it approached his location. The Buick attempted to navigate around DFC Migliaccio’s marked patrol car which also had its lights and siren activated.
  The Buick lost control, veered to the left, crossed over the median, and south bound lanes before leaving the roadway. The Buick continued off the roadway and crashed into a cattle fence belonging to the owner of 7445 Briscoe Turn Road.  The Buick overturned during the crash and subsequently came to rest on its roof.
  The driver opened the driver’s side rear door and bailed out of the vehicle. Deputies advised the control center the operator was running away from the wreckage and described him as a black male wearing a red shirt.  DFC Denton gave Mr. Bishop loud verbal commands to stop however he fled on foot away from him. DFC Denton advised after approximately 300 yards Mr. Bishop ran into the woods and out of his sight. DFC Denton stated he used his flash light and saw Mr. Bishop hiding behind a tree. DFC Denton said Mr. Bishop began to run again ignoring commands to stop. DFC Denton advised the suspect fell over brush; DFC Denton and DFC Migliaccio caught up to the suspect and attempted to take control of him to put him in handcuffs. DFC Denton advised the suspect pulled away, tensed up, and resisted arrest. DFC Denton advised the suspect eventually said, “I give up.” DFC Denton advised he and DFC Migliaccio were able to handcuff the suspect.
  DFC Wells advised the suspect was apprehended at 1911 Appaloosa Way. Dfc. Trigg took custody of the suspect and identified him as Kanard J. Bishop (19) of Goddard Court in St. Mary’s County. The suspect was taken to Ambulance 59 for treatment. Mr. Bishop was wearing a black and red jacket, black shirt, blue jeans, and white socks that were covered in mud and cow manure.  
  Through investigation it was determined that Bishop had no driver’s license. Bishop was transferred to a trauma center via Trooper 2.  Once at the trauma center Bishop was evaluated and released. The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office made contact with the owner of the Buick who advised they were at the St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office filing a report for the Buick being stolen. Bishop had allegedly taken the keys to the vehicle out of a coat pocket of the owner at Urban BBQ at approximately 9:00p.m.  St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office deputies applied for charges against Bishop for stealing the car.
  Bishop was transported to the CCDC for processing. Bishop was charged with 1st degree assault on DFC Denton for striking or causing him to crash. Mr. Bishop was charged with 2nd degree assault and resisting arrest for fighting with DFC Denton and DFC Migliaccio while trying to take him into custody.

  Mr. Bishop was issued citations 0R60L0H-0s50l0H for fleeing and eluding and multiple other traffic offenses. 
Kanard J. Bishop (19) of Goddard Court in St. Mary’s County