Calvert County Sheriff's Office Links

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


During the week of September 22 through September 28 deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 1,250 calls for service throughout the community. 
Citizens with information on the following crimes or any criminal activity in Calvert County who wish to report it anonymously can now access the Calvert County Crime Solvers link through the Sheriff’s Office website.  
Go to and click on the Crime Solvers link to leave an anonymous tip on-line.  Information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect could result in a $1,000 reward.
Theft Case #14-53782:
Unknown suspect(s) stole $3,000 worth of welding rods and copper wire from a business on Industrial Drive in Owings sometime between September 19 and 22.  DFC Y. Bortchevsky is handling the investigation.
Theft from Vehicles Case #14-53898:
Six vehicles parked outside a business on Investment Court in Owings were broken into on September 23 between 3:30 and 4:30 in the morning.  The suspect(s) broke windows and door handles to gain access to the inside of the vehicles to steal radios, batteries, cables and instrument clusters.  The total amount of damage and theft is $1,850.  DFC J. Migliaccio is investigating.
Destruction of Property Case #14-53958:
Someone spray painted the boards of the board walk at the Wetlands Overlook Park in North Beach between September 22 and 23.  The amount of damage is estimated at $500.  Dep. W. Beisel is investigating.
CDS Violation Case #14-54088:
On September 24 at 10:20 a.m. DFC R. Cress conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle in the parking lot of the Huntingtown 7-11 convenience store.  He found the driver, William Thomas Murphy, 38 of Prince Frederick, to be driving on a revoked license and to be in possession of suspected drugs.  Murphy was arrested and charged with possession of cocaine and possession of oxycodone.
William Thomas Murphy, 38, of Prince Frederick

Burglary Case #14-54287:
Someone entered a barn located behind a home on Holland Cliffs Road in Huntingtown and damaged two Jet Skis’ mirrors and speedometers that were kept inside.  The culprit(s) also broke 16 single pane glass windows on the barn.  Total damage is estimated at $5,000.  The damage occurred overnight between September 24 and 25.  Dep. W. Rector is handling the investigation. 
Theft Case #14-54447:
A citizen called police on September 26 at 2:43 p.m. to report that she had just observed 2 black men walk out of Peebles Department Store in Prince Frederick each carrying an armload of folded clothes.  The two men got into a waiting vehicle driven by a third male and the car then sped away.  Initial inventory by store personnel revealed that approximately $3,000 in clothing was stolen.  Anyone with information is asked to contact Dep. J. Buck at 410-535-2800.
Destruction of Property Case #14-54670:

Someone caused $1,500 in damage to a vehicle parked outside a home on Covenant Court in Owings when they ripped off the driver door handle.  It does not appear that entry inside the vehicle was made and nothing was taken.  The damage occurred overnight between September 25 and 26.  Dep. J. Buck is investigating.

CDS Violation Case #14-54793:

On September 28 at 3:54 a.m. Dep. M. Trigg observed a vehicle sitting in the travel portion of the roadway at Dares Beach Road and Double Oak Road in Prince Frederick.  He made contact with the 2 occupants of the vehicle.  He found the passenger, Patrick Kyle Gonyo, 18 of Huntingtown, to be in possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana and charged him.
Patrick Kyle Gonyo, 18, of Huntingtown

Destruction of Property Case #14-54811 & 54851:

Unknown suspect(s) spray painted graffiti on two vehicles and a lamp post at a home on Blackberry Lane in Prince Frederick and another vehicle on Whispering Drive during the early morning hours on September 28.  The windows of another home on Whispering Drive and the mailbox all had graffiti on them.  Dep. J. Buck is investigating.